A Positive Month; Day 27

As I said, the last few are going to take a bit more time and courage. Yesterday’s challenge is a time-consuming one. I’m curious if any one of you will complete it (and show it, maybe?). Today might be time-consuming, it depends on what you turn it into…

27.       Do something scary; dare yourself

It’s not called a challenge for nothing, right?

This can be anything. Eat something or somewhere scary. Call someone you haven’t for a while. Go out and meet up with that friend who you’ve been postponing for weeks months a year. Tell that one person how you feel even though you fear their response. Apply for that job you saw in the paper. Just do something you feel is a bit scary!

My part of the deal? I’m meeting up with 3 people the coming two weeks (all separate dates) that I haven’t seen in months and some even longer. I finally gathered the guts to set a date. Aaaand I contacted a certain someone who… Oh well, long story and not getting into that, but let’s just say it involved me running around the city crying a full day before I was able to do that. The joys of hormones

Oh, and I sorta semi-changed my blog. For a person who doesn’t really handle change well, that was a challenge in itself! ;)

What are you challenging yourself with??

Weekend thinker: Dream, dare, do

Since I’ve been in a, well, not too awesome state of mind and -being lately, I have not been posting much. I have been commenting here and there, mostly to focus on positives (howcome that’s always easier when it involves someone else?). But, since it’s weekend, it’s now time to think. Because honestly, who has time to think when at work and Uni? ;)

So, I have the following question for all of you:

(Source unknown)

What would you attempt if you knew your attempt could not fail?

Now, if you’re anything like me, the typical miss World speech comes right up; I’d save the world, feed the starving (Alanis, you go; isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?), build homes, cuddle babies, cuddle adults, save the tiger, stop the wars, and go on an outer-space mission (would never dare, but if it couldnt fail? Why not).

But in this case I mean, what would YOU try. I know all of these world-saving theories are awesome but I mean things on a more personal level. Would you become a rockstar? Would you go looking for a long lost love? Would you reunite your father and his brother, etc. What would YOU do if you knew it could not fail?

Please, everyone join in. Whether you’re a regular commenter or not. I’m sure all your answers will help me take my mind off things for a bit :)

Curious to hear your answers.